StaticIFCInformation Flow Control Type Systems

Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing,-deprecated-hint-without-locality".
From Coq Require Import Strings.String.
From SECF Require Import Maps.
From Coq Require Import Bool.Bool.
From Coq Require Import Arith.Arith.
From Coq Require Import Arith.EqNat.
From Coq Require Import Arith.PeanoNat. Import Nat.
From Coq Require Import Lia.
From SECF Require Export Imp.
From Coq Require Import List. Import ListNotations.
Set Default Goal Selector "!".

Definition FILL_IN_HERE := <{True}>.


As explained in Noninterference and RelHoare, data confidentiality is most often expressed formally as a property called noninterference.
To formalize this for Imp programs, we divide the variables as either public or secret by assuming a total map P : pub_vars between variables and Boolean labels:
Definition label := bool.

Definition public : label := true.
Definition secret : label := false.

Definition pub_vars := total_map label.
A noninterference attacker can only observe the values of public variables, not of secret ones. We formalize this as a notion of publicly equivalent states that agree on the values of all public variables, which are thus indistinguishable to an attacker:
Definition pub_equiv (P : pub_vars) {X:Type} (s1 s2 : total_map X) :=
   x:string, P x = true s1 x = s2 x.
For some total map P from variables to Boolean labels, pub_equiv P is an equivalence relation on states, so reflexive, symmetric, and transitive.
Lemma pub_equiv_refl : {X:Type} (P : pub_vars) (s : total_map X),
  pub_equiv P s s.
Proof. intros X P s x Hx. reflexivity. Qed.

Lemma pub_equiv_sym : {X:Type} (P : pub_vars) (s1 s2 : total_map X),
  pub_equiv P s1 s2
  pub_equiv P s2 s1.
Proof. unfold pub_equiv. intros X P s1 s2 H x Px. rewrite H; auto. Qed.

Lemma pub_equiv_trans : {X:Type} (P : pub_vars) (s1 s2 s3 : total_map X),
  pub_equiv P s1 s2
  pub_equiv P s2 s3
  pub_equiv P s1 s3.
Proof. unfold pub_equiv. intros X P s1 s2 s3 H12 H23 x Px.
       rewrite H12; try rewrite H23; auto. Qed.
Program c is noninterferent if whenever it has two terminating runs from two publicly equivalent initial states s1 and s2, the obtained final states s1' and s2' are also publicly equivalent.
Definition noninterferent P c := s1 s2 s1' s2',
  pub_equiv P s1 s2
  s1 =[ c ]=> s1'
  s2 =[ c ]=> s2'
  pub_equiv P s1' s2'.
Intuitively, c is noninterferent when the value of the public variables in the final state can only depend on the value of public variables in the initial state, and do not depend on the initial value of secret variables.
For instance, consider the following command (taken from Noninterference):
Definition secure_com : com := <{ X := X+1; Y := X+Y×2 }>.
If we assume that variable X is public and variable Y is secret, we can state noninterference for secure_com as follows:
Definition xpub : pub_vars := (X !-> public; _ !-> secret).

Definition noninterferent_secure_com :=
  noninterferent xpub secure_com.
We have already proved that secure_com is indeed noninterferent both directly using the semantics (in Noninterference) and using RHL (in RelHoare). Both these proofs were manual though, while in this chapter we will show how this proof can be done more syntactically using several information flow control (IFC) type systems that enforce noninterference for all well-typed programs.
Not all programs are noninterferent though. For instance, a program that reads the contents of a secret variable and uses that to change the value of a public variable is unlikely to be noninterferent. We call this an explicit flow and all our type systems will prevent all explicit flows.
Here is a program that has an explicit flow, which breaks noninterference, as we already proved in Noninterference.
Definition insecure_com1 : com :=
  <{ X := Y+1; (* <- bad explicit flow! *)
     Y := X+Y×2 }>.

Definition interferent_insecure_com1 :=
  ¬noninterferent xpub insecure_com1.
Not all explicit flows break noninterference though. For instance, the following variant of insecure_com1 is noninterferent even if it has an explicit flow. The reason for this is that the variable X is overwritten with public information in a subsequent assignment.
Definition secure_com1' : com :=
  <{ X := Y+1; (* <- harmless explicit flow (dead store) *)
     X := 42; (* <- X is overwritten afterwards *)
     Y := X+Y×2 }>.
Since our IFC type systems will prevent all explicit flows, they will also reject secure_com1', even if it is secure with respect to our attacker model for noninterference, in which the attacker only observes the final values of public variables.
As usual, our type systems will only provide sound syntactic overapproximations of the semantic property of noninterference.
Explicit flows are not the only way to leak secrets: one can also leak secrets using the control flow of the program, by branching on secrets and then assigning to public variables. We call these leaks implicit flows.
Definition insecure_com2 : com :=
  <{ if Y = 0
     then Y := 42
     else X := X+1 (* <- bad implicit flow! *)
     end }>.
Here the expression X+1 we are assigning to X is public information, but we are doing this assignment after we branched on a secret condition Y = 0, so we are indirectly leaking information about the value of Y. In this case we can infer that if X gets incremented the value of Y is not 0. We have proved in Noninterference that this program is insecure, so it will be rejected by our type systems, which enforce noninterference by preventing all implicit flows.
Not all implicit flows break noninterference though. For instance, in RelHoare we saw a program that we proved to be noninterferent, even though it contains both an explicit and an implicit flow:
Definition secure_p2 :=
  <{ if Y = 0
     then X := Y (* <- harmless explicit flow *)
     else X := 0 (* <- harmless implicit flow *)
     end }>.
Intuitively, even if this program branches on the secret Y, it always assigns the value 0 to X, so no secret is leaked. Still, our type systems will reject programs containing any explicit or implicit flows, this one included. C'est la vie!

Type system for noninterference of expressions

We will build a type system that prevents all explicit and implicit flows.
But first, let's start with something simpler, a type system for arithmetic expressions: our typing judgement P a- a \in l specifies the label l of an arithmetic expression a in terms of the labels of the variables read it reads.
In particular, P a- a \in public says that expression a only reads public variables, so it computes a public value. P a- a \in secret says that expression a reads some secret variable, so it computes a value that may depend on secrets.
Here are some examples:
  • For a variable X we just look up its label in P, so P a- X \in P X.
  • For a constant n the label is public, so P a n \in public.
  • Given variable X1 with label l1 and variable X2 with label l2, what should be the label of X1 + X2 though?

Combining labels

We need a way to combine the labels of two sub-expressions, which we call the join (or least upper bound) of the two labels:
Definition join (l1 l2 : label) : label := l1 && l2.

Lemma join_commutative : {l1 l2},
  join l1 l2 = join l2 l1.
Proof. intros l1 l2. destruct l1; destruct l2; reflexivity. Qed.

Lemma join_public : {l1 l2},
  join l1 l2 = public l1 = public l2 = public.
Proof. apply andb_prop. Qed.

Lemma join_public_l : {l},
  join public l = l.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Lemma join_public_r : {l},
  join l public = l.
Proof. intros l. rewrite join_commutative. reflexivity. Qed.

Lemma join_secret_l : {l},
  join secret l = secret.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

P ⊢a- n ∈ public

P ⊢a- X ∈ P X
P ⊢a- a1 ∈ l1    P ⊢a- a2 ∈ l2 (T_Plus)  

P ⊢a- a1+a2 ∈ join l1 l2
P ⊢a- a1 ∈ l1    P ⊢a- a2 ∈ l2 (T_Minus)  

P ⊢a- a1-a2 ∈ join l1 l2
P ⊢a- a1 ∈ l1    P ⊢a- a2 ∈ l2 (T_Mult)  

P ⊢a- a1*a2 ∈ join l1 l2
Reserved Notation "P '⊢a-' a ∈ l" (at level 40).

Inductive aexp_has_label (P:pub_vars) : aexp label Prop :=
  | T_Num : n,
       P a- (ANum n) \in public
  | T_Id : X,
       P a- (AId X) \in (P X)
  | T_Plus : a1 l1 a2 l2,
       P a- a1 \in l1
       P a- a2 \in l2
       P a- <{ a1 + a2 }> \in (join l1 l2)
  | T_Minus : a1 l1 a2 l2,
       P a- a1 \in l1
       P a- a2 \in l2
       P a- <{ a1 - a2 }> \in (join l1 l2)
  | T_Mult : a1 l1 a2 l2,
       P a- a1 \in l1
       P a- a2 \in l2
       P a- <{ a1 × a2 }> \in (join l1 l2)

where "P '⊢a-' a '∈' l" := (aexp_has_label P a l).

Fixpoint label_of_aexp (P:pub_vars) (a:aexp) : label :=
  match a with
  | ANum npublic
  | AId XP X
  | <{ a1 + a2 }>
  | <{ a1 - a2 }>
  | <{ a1 × a2 }>join (label_of_aexp P a1) (label_of_aexp P a2)

Lemma label_of_aexp_sound : P a,
    P a- a \in label_of_aexp P a.
Proof. intros P a. induction a; constructor; eauto. Qed.

Lemma label_of_aexp_unique : P a l,
  P a- a \in l
  l = label_of_aexp P a.
  intros P a l H. induction H; simpl in *;
  (repeat match goal with
    | [Heql : _ = __] ⇒ rewrite Heql in ×
   end); eauto.

Theorem noninterferent_aexp : {P s1 s2 a},
  pub_equiv P s1 s2
  P a- a \in public
  aeval s1 a = aeval s2 a.
  intros P s1 s2 a Heq Ht. remember public as l.
  induction Ht; simpl.
  - reflexivity.
  - apply Heq. apply Heql.
  - destruct (join_public Heql) as [H1 H2].
    rewrite (IHHt1 H1). rewrite (IHHt2 H2). reflexivity.
  - destruct (join_public Heql) as [H1 H2].
    rewrite (IHHt1 H1). rewrite (IHHt2 H2). reflexivity.
  - destruct (join_public Heql) as [H1 H2].
    rewrite (IHHt1 H1). rewrite (IHHt2 H2). reflexivity.

P ⊢b- true ∈ public

P ⊢b- false ∈ public
P ⊢a- a1 ∈ l1    P ⊢a- a2 ∈ l2 (T_Eq)  

P ⊢b- a1=a2 ∈ join l1 l2
P ⊢b- b ∈ l (T_Not)  

P ⊢b- ~b ∈ l
P ⊢b- b1 ∈ l1    P ⊢b- b2 ∈ l2 (T_And)  

P ⊢b- b1&&b2 ∈ join l1 l2
Reserved Notation "P '⊢b-' b ∈ l" (at level 40).

Inductive bexp_has_label (P:pub_vars) : bexp label Prop :=
  | T_True :
       P b- <{ true }> \in public
  | T_False :
       P b- <{ false }> \in public
  | T_Eq : a1 l1 a2 l2,
       P a- a1 \in l1
       P a- a2 \in l2
       P b- <{ a1 = a2 }> \in (join l1 l2)
  | T_Neq : a1 l1 a2 l2,
       P a- a1 \in l1
       P a- a2 \in l2
       P b- <{ a1 a2 }> \in (join l1 l2)
  | T_Le : a1 l1 a2 l2,
       P a- a1 \in l1
       P a- a2 \in l2
       P b- <{ a1 a2 }> \in (join l1 l2)
  | T_Gt : a1 l1 a2 l2,
       P a- a1 \in l1
       P a- a2 \in l2
       P b- <{ a1 > a2 }> \in (join l1 l2)
  | T_Not : b l,
       P b- b \in l
       P b- <{ ¬b }> \in l
  | T_And : b1 l1 b2 l2,
       P b- b1 \in l1
       P b- b2 \in l2
       P b- <{ b1 && b2 }> \in (join l1 l2)

where "P '⊢b-' b '∈' l" := (bexp_has_label P b l).

Fixpoint label_of_bexp (P:pub_vars) (a:bexp) : label :=
  match a with
  | <{ true }> | <{ false }>public
  | <{ a1 = a2 }>
  | <{ a1 a2 }>
  | <{ a1 a2 }>
  | <{ a1 > a2 }>join (label_of_aexp P a1) (label_of_aexp P a2)
  | <{ ¬b }>label_of_bexp P b
  | <{ b1 && b2 }>join (label_of_bexp P b1) (label_of_bexp P b2)

Lemma label_of_bexp_sound : P b,
    P b- b \in label_of_bexp P b.
  intros P b. induction b; constructor;
    eauto using label_of_aexp_sound. Qed.

Lemma label_of_bexp_unique : P b l,
  P b- b \in l
  l = label_of_bexp P b.
  intros P a l H. induction H; simpl in *;
  (repeat match goal with
    | [H : _ a- _ \in __] ⇒
        apply label_of_aexp_unique in H
    | [Heql : _ = __] ⇒ rewrite Heql in ×
   end); eauto.

Theorem noninterferent_bexp : {P s1 s2 b},
  pub_equiv P s1 s2
  P b- b \in public
  beval s1 b = beval s2 b.
  intros P s1 s2 b Heq Ht. remember public as l.
  induction Ht; simpl; try reflexivity;
    try (destruct (join_public Heql) as [H1 H2];
         rewrite H1 in *; rewrite H2 in *).
  - rewrite (noninterferent_aexp Heq H).
    rewrite (noninterferent_aexp Heq H0).
  - rewrite (noninterferent_aexp Heq H).
    rewrite (noninterferent_aexp Heq H0).
  - rewrite (noninterferent_aexp Heq H).
    rewrite (noninterferent_aexp Heq H0).
  - rewrite (noninterferent_aexp Heq H).
    rewrite (noninterferent_aexp Heq H0).
  - rewrite (IHHt Heql). reflexivity.
  - rewrite (IHHt1 Logic.eq_refl).
    rewrite (IHHt2 Logic.eq_refl). reflexivity.

Restrictive type system prohibiting branching on secrets

For commands, we start with a simple type system that doesn't allow any branching on secrets, which prevents all implicit flows.
For preventing explicit flows when typing assignments, we need to define when it is okay for information to flow from an expression with label l1 to a variable with label l1.
Definition can_flow (l1 l2 : label) : bool := l1 || negb l2.
In particular, we disallow the value of secret expressions to be assigned to public variables.
Lemma cannot_flow_secret_public : can_flow secret public = false.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
We allow public information to flow everywhere, and secret information to flow to secret variables:
Lemma can_flow_public : l, can_flow public l = true.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma can_flow_secret : can_flow secret secret = true.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Lemma can_flow_refl : l,
  can_flow l l = true.
Proof. intros [|]; reflexivity. Qed.

Lemma can_flow_trans : l1 l2 l3,
  can_flow l1 l2 = true
  can_flow l2 l3 = true
  can_flow l1 l3 = true.
Proof. intros l1 l2 l3 H12 H23.
  destruct l1; destruct l2; simpl in *; auto. discriminate H12. Qed.

Lemma can_flow_join_1 : l1 l2 l,
  can_flow (join l1 l2) l = true
  can_flow l1 l = true.
Proof. intros l1 l2 l. destruct l1; [reflexivity | auto ]. Qed.

Lemma can_flow_join_2 : l1 l2 l,
  can_flow (join l1 l2) l = true
  can_flow l2 l = true.
Proof. intros l1 l2 l. destruct l1; auto. destruct l2; auto. Qed.

Lemma can_flow_join_l : l1 l2 l,
  can_flow l1 l = true
  can_flow l2 l = true
  can_flow (join l1 l2) l = true.
Proof. intros l1 l2 l H1 H2. destruct l1; simpl in *; auto. Qed.

Lemma can_flow_join_r1 : l l1 l2,
  can_flow l l1 = true
  can_flow l (join l1 l2) = true.
Proof. intros l l1 l2 H. destruct l; destruct l1; simpl in *; auto.
       discriminate H. Qed.

Lemma can_flow_join_r2 : l l1 l2,
  can_flow l l2 = true
  can_flow l (join l1 l2) = true.
Proof. intros l l1 l2 H. destruct l; destruct l1; simpl in *; auto. Qed.

P ⊢pc- skip
P ⊢a- a ∈ l    can_flow l (P X) = true (PCWT_Asgn)  

P ⊢pc- X := a
P ⊢pc- c1    P ⊢pc- c2 (PCWT_Seq)  

P ⊢pc- c1;c2
P ⊢b- b ∈ public    P ⊢pc- c1    P ⊢pc- c2 (PCWT_If)  

P ⊢pc- if b then c1 else c2
P ⊢b- b ∈ public    P ⊢pc- c (PCWT_While)  

P ⊢pc- while b then c end
Reserved Notation "P '⊢pc-' c" (at level 40).

Inductive pc_well_typed (P:pub_vars) : com Prop :=
  | PCWT_Com :
      P pc- <{ skip }>
  | PCWT_Asgn : X a l,
      P a- a \in l
      can_flow l (P X) = true
      P pc- <{ X := a }>
  | PCWT_Seq : c1 c2,
      P pc- c1
      P pc- c2
      P pc- <{ c1 ; c2 }>
  | PCWT_If : b c1 c2,
      P b- b \in public
      P pc- c1
      P pc- c2
      P pc- <{ if b then c1 else c2 end }>
  | PCWT_While : b c1,
      P b- b \in public
      P pc- c1
      P pc- <{ while b do c1 end }>

where "P '⊢pc-' c" := (pc_well_typed P c).

Fixpoint pc_typechecker (P:pub_vars) (c:com) : bool :=
  match c with
  | <{ skip }>true
  | <{ X := a }>can_flow (label_of_aexp P a) (P X)
  | <{ c1 ; c2 }>pc_typechecker P c1 && pc_typechecker P c2
  | <{ if b then c1 else c2 end }>
      Bool.eqb (label_of_bexp P b) public &&
      pc_typechecker P c1 && pc_typechecker P c2
  | <{ while b do c1 end }>
      Bool.eqb (label_of_bexp P b) public && pc_typechecker P c1

Lemma pc_typechecker_sound : P c,
  pc_typechecker P c = true
  P pc- c.
  intros P c. induction c; simpl in *; econstructor;
    try rewrite andb_true_iff in *; try tauto;
    eauto using label_of_aexp_sound, label_of_bexp_sound.
  - destruct H as [H1 H2]. rewrite andb_true_iff in H1; try tauto.
    destruct H1 as [H11 H12]. apply Bool.eqb_prop in H11.
    rewrite <- H11. apply label_of_bexp_sound.
  - destruct H as [H1 H2]. rewrite andb_true_iff in H1; tauto.
  - destruct H as [H1 H2]. apply Bool.eqb_prop in H1.
    rewrite <- H1. apply label_of_bexp_sound.

Lemma pc_typechecker_complete : P c,
  pc_typechecker P c = false
  ¬P pc- c.
  intros P c H Hc. induction Hc; simpl in *;
    try rewrite andb_false_iff in *;
    try tauto; try congruence.
  - apply label_of_aexp_unique in H0.
    rewrite H0 in ×. congruence.
  - destruct H; eauto. rewrite andb_false_iff in H.
    destruct H; eauto. rewrite eqb_false_iff in H.
    apply label_of_bexp_unique in H0. congruence.
  - destruct H; eauto. rewrite eqb_false_iff in H.
    apply label_of_bexp_unique in H0. congruence.

Secure program that is pc_well_typed:

Example swt_secure_com :
  xpub pc- <{ X := X+1; (* check: can_flow public public (OK!)  *)
               Y := X+Y×2 (* check: can_flow secret secret (OK!)  *)
Proof. apply pc_typechecker_sound. reflexivity. Qed.

Explicit flow prevented by pc_well_typed:

Example not_swt_insecure_com1 :
  ¬ xpub pc- <{ X := Y+1; (* check: can_flow secret public (FAILS!) *)
                 Y := X+Y×2 (* check: can_flow secret secret (OK!)  *)
Proof. apply pc_typechecker_complete. reflexivity. Qed.

Implicit flow prevented by pc_well_typed:

Example not_swt_insecure_com2 :
  ¬ xpub pc- <{ if Y=0 (* check: P ⊢b- Y=0 ∈ public (FAILS!) *)
                 then Y := 42
                 else X := X+1 (* <- bad implicit flow! *)
                 end }>.
Proof. apply pc_typechecker_complete. reflexivity. Qed.
We show that pc_well_typed commands are noninterferent.
Theorem pc_well_typed_noninterferent : P c,
  P pc- c
  noninterferent P c.
  intros P c Hwt s1 s2 s1' s2' Heq Heval1 Heval2.
  generalize dependent s2'. generalize dependent s2.
  induction Heval1; intros s2 Heq s2' Heval2;
    inversion Heval2; inversion Hwt; subst.
  - assumption.
  - intros y Hy. destruct (String.eqb_spec x y) as [Hxy | Hxy].
    + rewrite Hxy. do 2 rewrite t_update_eq.
      unfold can_flow in H8. apply orb_prop in H8. destruct H8 as [Hl | Hx].
      × rewrite Hl in ×. apply (noninterferent_aexp Heq H7).
      × subst. rewrite Hy in Hx. discriminate Hx.
    + do 2 rewrite (t_update_neq _ _ _ _ _ Hxy).
      apply Heq. apply Hy.
  - eapply IHHeval1_2; try eassumption. eapply IHHeval1_1; eassumption.
  - eapply IHHeval1; eassumption.
  - rewrite (noninterferent_bexp Heq H10) in H.
    rewrite H in H5. discriminate H5.
  - rewrite (noninterferent_bexp Heq H10) in H.
    rewrite H in H5. discriminate H5.
  - eapply IHHeval1; eassumption.
  - assumption.
  - rewrite (noninterferent_bexp Heq H9) in H.
    rewrite H in H2. discriminate H2.
  - rewrite (noninterferent_bexp Heq H7) in H.
    rewrite H in H4. discriminate H4.
  - eapply IHHeval1_2; try eassumption. eapply IHHeval1_1; eassumption.
Remember the definition of noninterferent is as follows:
forall s1 s2 s1' s2',
  pub_equiv P s1 s2 ->
  s1 =[ c ]=> s1' ->
  s2 =[ c ]=> s2' ->
  pub_equiv P s1' s2'.
The main intuition is that the two executions will proceed "in lockstep", because all the branch conditions are enforced to be public, so they will execute to the same Boolean in both executions.
The proof is by induction on s1 =[ c ]=> s1' and inversion on s2 =[ c ]=> s2' and P pc- c. Here is a sketch of the two most interesting cases:
  • In the conditional case we have that c is if b then c1 else c2, P pc- c1, P pc- c2, and P b- b \in public. Given this last fact we can apply noninterference of boolean expressions to show that beval st1 b = beval st2 b. If they are both true, we use the induction hypothesis for c1, and if they are both false we use the induction hypothesis for c2 to conclude.
  • In the assignment case we have that c is X := a, P a- a \in l, and can_flow l (P X) = true, which expands out to l == public P X == secret.
    If l == public then by noninterference of arithmetic expressions then aeval st1 a = aeval s2 a, so we are assigning the same value to X, which leads to public equivalent final states (since the initial states were public equivalent).
    If P X == secret then the value of X doesn't matter for determining whether the final states are pub_equiv.

pc_well_typed too strong for noninterference

While we have just proved that pc_well_typed implies noninterference, this is too strong a restriction for just noninterference. For instance, the following program contains no explicit flows and no implicit flows, so it is intuitively noninterferent, yet it is still rejected by the type system just because it branches on a secret:
Example not_swt_noninterferent_com :
  ¬ xpub pc- <{ if Y=0 (* check: P ⊢b- Y=0 ∈ public (fails!) *)
                 then Z := 0
                 else skip
                 end }>.
  intros contra.
  inversion contra; subst; clear contra.
  inversion H2; subst; clear H2.
  destruct l1, l2; simpl in H1; try discriminate.
  inversion H5.

Example not_swt_noninterferent_com_is_noninterferent:
  noninterferent xpub <{ if Y=0
                         then Z := 0
                         else skip
                         end }>.
  unfold noninterferent.
  intros s1 s2 s1' s2' H red1 red2.
  inversion red1; inversion red2; subst; clear red1 red2.
  - inversion H6; subst; clear H6.
    inversion H13; subst; clear H13.
    intros x Px.
    destruct (String.eqb_spec x Z); subst.
    + discriminate.
    + rewrite !t_update_neq; auto.
  - inversion H6; subst; clear H6.
    inversion H13; subst; clear H13.
    intros x Px.
    destruct (String.eqb_spec x Z); subst.
    + discriminate.
    + rewrite !t_update_neq; auto.
  - inversion H6; subst; clear H6.
    inversion H13; subst; clear H13.
    intros x Px.
    destruct (String.eqb_spec x Z); subst.
    + discriminate.
    + rewrite !t_update_neq; auto.
  - inversion H6; subst; clear H6.
    inversion H13; subst; clear H13.
    intros x Px. eapply H; eauto.
We will later show that pc_well_typed enforces a security notion called program counter security, which prevents some side-channel attacks and which also serves as the base for cryptographic constant-time.

IFC type system allowing branching on secrets

We now instead extend this to a more permissive type system for noninterference in which we do allow branching on secrets.
Now to prevent implicit flows we need to track whether we have branched on secrets. We do this with a program counter (pc) label, which records the labels of the branches we have taken at the current point in the execution (joined together).

P ;; pc |-- skip
P ⊢a- a ∈ l   can_flow (join pc l) (P X) = true (WT_Asgn)  

P ;; pc |-- X := a
P ;; pc |-- c1    P ;; pc |-- c2 (WT_Seq)  

P ;; pc |-- c1;c2
P ⊢b- b ∈ l    P ;; join pc l |-- c1
P ;; join pc l |-- c2 (WT_If)  

P ;; pc |-- if b then c1 else c2
P ⊢b- b ∈ l    P ;; join pc l |-- c (WT_While)  

P ;; pc |-- while b then c end
Reserved Notation "P ';;' pc '|--' c" (at level 40).

Inductive well_typed (P:pub_vars) : label com Prop :=
  | WT_Com : pc,
      P ;; pc |-- <{ skip }>
  | WT_Asgn : pc X a l,
      P a- a \in l
      can_flow (join pc l) (P X) = true
      P ;; pc |-- <{ X := a }>
  | WT_Seq : pc c1 c2,
      P ;; pc |-- c1
      P ;; pc |-- c2
      P ;; pc |-- <{ c1 ; c2 }>
  | WT_If : pc b l c1 c2,
      P b- b \in l
      P ;; (join pc l) |-- c1
      P ;; (join pc l) |-- c2
      P ;; pc |-- <{ if b then c1 else c2 end }>
  | WT_While : pc b l c1,
      P b- b \in l
      P ;; (join pc l) |-- c1
      P ;; pc |-- <{ while b do c1 end }>

where "P ';;' pc '|--' c" := (well_typed P pc c).

Fixpoint wt_typechecker (P:pub_vars) (pc:label) (c:com) : bool :=
  match c with
  | <{ skip }>true
  | <{ X := a }>can_flow (join pc (label_of_aexp P a)) (P X)
  | <{ c1 ; c2 }>wt_typechecker P pc c1 && wt_typechecker P pc c2
  | <{ if b then c1 else c2 end }>
      wt_typechecker P (join pc (label_of_bexp P b)) c1 &&
      wt_typechecker P (join pc (label_of_bexp P b)) c2
  | <{ while b do c1 end }>
      wt_typechecker P (join pc (label_of_bexp P b)) c1

Lemma wt_typechecker_sound : P pc c,
  wt_typechecker P pc c = true
  P ;; pc |-- c.
  intros P pc c. generalize dependent pc.
  induction c; intros pc H; simpl in *; econstructor;
    try rewrite andb_true_iff in *;
    try destruct H as [H1 H2]; try tauto;
    eauto using label_of_aexp_sound, label_of_bexp_sound.

Lemma wt_typechecker_complete : P pc c,
  wt_typechecker P pc c = false
  ¬ P ;; pc |-- c.
  intros P pc c H Hc. induction Hc; simpl in *;
    try rewrite andb_false_iff in *; try tauto; try congruence.
  - apply label_of_aexp_unique in H0.
    rewrite H0 in ×. congruence.
  - destruct H; apply label_of_bexp_unique in H0; subst; eauto.
  - destruct H; apply label_of_bexp_unique in H0; subst; eauto.
With this more permissive type system we can accept more noninterferent programs that were rejected by pc_well_typed.
Example wt_noninterferent_com :
  xpub ;; public |--
    <{ if Y=0 (* raises pc label from public to secret *)
       then Z := 0 (* check: can_flow secret secret (OK!) *)
       else skip
       end }>.
Proof. apply wt_typechecker_sound. reflexivity. Qed.
And we still prevent implicit flows:
Example not_wt_insecure_com2 :
  ¬ xpub ;; public |--
    <{ if Y=0 (* raises pc label from public to secret *)
       then Y := 42
       else X := X+1 (* check: can_flow secret public (FAILS!)  *)
       end }>.
Proof. apply wt_typechecker_complete. reflexivity. Qed.

Lemma weaken_pc : {P pc1 pc2 c},
  P;; pc1 |-- c
  can_flow pc2 pc1 = true
  P;; pc2 |-- c.
  intros P pc1 pc2 c H. generalize dependent pc2.
  induction H; subst; intros pc2 Hcan_flow.
  - constructor.
  - econstructor; try eassumption. apply can_flow_join_l.
    + apply can_flow_join_1 in H0. eapply can_flow_trans; eassumption.
    + apply can_flow_join_2 in H0. assumption.
  - constructor; auto.
  - econstructor; try eassumption.
    + apply IHwell_typed1. apply can_flow_join_l.
      × apply can_flow_join_r1. assumption.
      × apply can_flow_join_r2. apply can_flow_refl.
    + apply IHwell_typed2. apply can_flow_join_l.
      × apply can_flow_join_r1. assumption.
      × apply can_flow_join_r2. apply can_flow_refl.
  - econstructor; try eassumption. apply IHwell_typed. apply can_flow_join_l.
      × apply can_flow_join_r1. assumption.
      × apply can_flow_join_r2. apply can_flow_refl.

Dealing with unsynchronized executions running different code

Lemma secret_run : {P c s s'},
  P;; secret |-- c
  s =[ c ]=> s'
  pub_equiv P s s'.
  intros P c s s' Hwt Heval. induction Heval; inversion Hwt; subst.
  - apply pub_equiv_refl.
  - intros y Hy. destruct (String.eqb_spec x y) as [Hxy | Hxy].
    + subst. rewrite join_secret_l in H4. rewrite Hy in H4. discriminate H4.
    + rewrite t_update_neq; auto.
  - eapply pub_equiv_trans; eauto.
  - eauto.
  - eauto.
  - apply pub_equiv_refl.
  - eapply pub_equiv_trans; eauto.

Corollary different_code : P c1 c2 s1 s2 s1' s2',
  P;; secret |-- c1
  P;; secret |-- c2
  pub_equiv P s1 s2
  s1 =[ c1 ]=> s1'
  s2 =[ c2 ]=> s2'
  pub_equiv P s1' s2'.
  intros P c1 c2 s1 s2 s1' s2' Hwt1 Hwt2 Hequiv Heval1 Heval2.
  eapply secret_run in Hwt1; [| eassumption].
  eapply secret_run in Hwt2; [| eassumption].
  apply pub_equiv_sym in Hwt1.
  eapply pub_equiv_trans; try eassumption.
  eapply pub_equiv_trans; eassumption.

We show that well_typed commands are noninterferent.

Theorem well_typed_noninterferent : P c,
  P;; public |-- c
  noninterferent P c.
  intros P c Hwt s1 s2 s1' s2' Heq Heval1 Heval2.
  generalize dependent s2'. generalize dependent s2.
  induction Heval1; intros s2 Heq s2' Heval2;
    inversion Heval2; inversion Hwt; subst.
  - assumption.
  - intros y Hy. destruct (String.eqb_spec x y) as [Hxy | Hxy].
    + rewrite Hxy. do 2 rewrite t_update_eq.
      unfold can_flow in H9. rewrite join_public_l in H9.
      apply orb_prop in H9. destruct H9 as [Hl | Hx].
      × rewrite Hl in ×. apply (noninterferent_aexp Heq H8).
      × subst. rewrite Hy in Hx. discriminate Hx.
    + do 2 rewrite (t_update_neq _ _ _ _ _ Hxy).
      apply Heq. apply Hy.
  - eapply IHHeval1_2; try eassumption. eapply IHHeval1_1; eassumption.
  - (* if true-true *) rewrite join_public_l in ×.
    eapply IHHeval1; try eassumption.
    eapply weaken_pc; try eassumption. apply can_flow_public.
  - (* if true-false *) rewrite join_public_l in ×. destruct l.
    + rewrite (noninterferent_bexp Heq H11) in H.
      rewrite H in H5. discriminate H5.
    + eapply different_code with (c1:=c1) (c2:=c2); eassumption.
  - (* if false-true *) rewrite join_public_l in ×. destruct l.
    + rewrite (noninterferent_bexp Heq H11) in H.
      rewrite H in H5. discriminate H5.
    + eapply different_code with (c1:=c2) (c2:=c1); eassumption.
  - (* if false-false *) rewrite join_public_l in ×.
    eapply IHHeval1; try eassumption.
    eapply weaken_pc; try eassumption. apply can_flow_public.
  - (* while false-false *) assumption.
  - (* while false-true *) rewrite join_public_l in ×. destruct l.
    + rewrite (noninterferent_bexp Heq H10) in H.
      rewrite H in H2. discriminate H2.
    + eapply different_code with (c1:=<{skip}>) (c2:=<{c;while b do c end}>);
        repeat (try eassumption; try econstructor).
  - (* while true-false *) rewrite join_public_l in ×. destruct l.
    + rewrite (noninterferent_bexp Heq H8) in H.
      rewrite H in H4. discriminate H4.
    + eapply different_code with (c1:=<{c;while b do c end}>) (c2:=<{skip}>);
        repeat (try eassumption; try econstructor).
  - (* while true-true *) rewrite join_public_l in ×.
    eapply IHHeval1_2; try eassumption. eapply IHHeval1_1; try eassumption.
    eapply weaken_pc; try eassumption. apply can_flow_public.
The noninterference proof is still relatively simple, since the cases in which we take different branches based on secret information are all handled by the different_code lemma.
Another key ingredient for having a simple noninterference proof is working with a big-step semantics.

Type system for termination-sensitive noninterference

The noninterference notion we used above was "termination insensitive". If we prevent loop conditions depending on secrets we can actually enforce termination-sensitive noninterference (TSNI), which we defined in Noninterference as follows:
Definition tsni P c :=
   s1 s2 s1',
  s1 =[ c ]=> s1'
  pub_equiv P s1 s2
  ( s2', s2 =[ c ]=> s2' pub_equiv P s1' s2').
We could prove that pc_well_typed enforces TSNI, but that typing relation is too restrictive, since for TSNI we can allow if-then-else conditions to depend on secrets. So we define a new type system that only prevents loop conditions to depend on secrets.

We just need to update the while rule of well_typed:

Old rule for noninterference:
P ⊢b- b ∈ l    P ;; join pc l |-- c (WT_While)  

P ;; pc |-- while b then c end
New rule for termination-sensitive noninterference:
P ⊢b- b ∈ public    P ;; public ⊢ts- c (TS_While)  

P ;; public ⊢ts- while b then c end
Beyond requiring the label of b to be public, we also require that once one branches on secrets with if-then-else (i.e. pc=secret) no while loops are allowed.
Reserved Notation "P ';;' pc '⊢ts-' c" (at level 40).

Inductive ts_well_typed (P:pub_vars) : label com Prop :=
  | TS_Com : pc,
      P;; pc ts- <{ skip }>
  | TS_Asgn : pc X a l,
      P a- a \in l
      can_flow (join pc l) (P X) = true
      P;; pc ts- <{ X := a }>
  | TS_Seq : pc c1 c2,
      P;; pc ts- c1
      P;; pc ts- c2
      P;; pc ts- <{ c1 ; c2 }>
  | TS_If : pc b l c1 c2,
      P b- b \in l
      P;; (join pc l) ts- c1
      P;; (join pc l) ts- c2
      P;; pc ts- <{ if b then c1 else c2 end }>
  | TS_While : b c1,
      P b- b \in public (* <-- NEW *)
      P;; public ts- c1 (* <-- ONLY pc=public *)
      P;; public ts- <{ while b do c1 end }>

where "P ';;' pc '⊢ts-' c" := (ts_well_typed P pc c).

We prove that ts_well_typed enforces TSNI.

For this we show that ts_well_typed implies well_typed, so by our previous theorem also noninterference.
Then we show that P;; secret ts- c implies termination.
Then we show that ts_well_typed implies equitermination, which together with noninterference implies termination-sensitive noninterference.
Theorem ts_well_typed_well_typed : P c pc,
  P;; pc ts- c
  P;; pc |-- c.
  intros P c pc H. induction H; econstructor; eassumption.

Theorem ts_well_typed_noninterferent : P c,
  P;; public ts- c
  noninterferent P c.
  intros P c H. apply well_typed_noninterferent.
  apply ts_well_typed_well_typed. apply H.

Lemma ts_secret_run_terminating : {P c s},
  P;; secret ts- c
   s', s =[ c ]=> s'.
  intros P c s Hwt. remember secret as l.
  generalize dependent s. induction Hwt; intro s.
  - eexists. econstructor.
  - eexists. econstructor. reflexivity.
  - destruct (IHHwt1 Heql s) as [s' IH1].
    destruct (IHHwt2 Heql s') as [s''IH2]. eexists. econstructor; eassumption.
  - rewrite Heql in ×. rewrite join_secret_l in ×.
    destruct (IHHwt1 Logic.eq_refl s) as [s1 IH1].
    destruct (IHHwt2 Logic.eq_refl s) as [s2 IH2].
    destruct (beval s b) eqn:Heq; eexists; econstructor; eassumption.
  - discriminate Heql.

Theorem ts_well_typed_equitermination : {P c s1 s2 s1'},
  P;; public ts- c
  s1 =[ c ]=> s1'
  pub_equiv P s1 s2
   s2', s2 =[ c ]=> s2'.
  intros P C s1 s2 s1' Hwt Heval. generalize dependent s2.
  induction Heval; intros s2 Heq; inversion Hwt; subst.
  - eexists. constructor.
  - eexists. econstructor. reflexivity.
  - destruct (IHHeval1 H2 _ Heq) as [s2' IH1].
    assert (Heq' : pub_equiv P st' s2').
    { eapply ts_well_typed_noninterferent;
        [ | eassumption | eassumption | eassumption]. assumption. }
    destruct (IHHeval2 H3 _ Heq') as [s2'' IH2].
    eexists. econstructor; eassumption.
  - rewrite join_public_l in ×. destruct l.
    + destruct (IHHeval H5 _ Heq) as [s2' IH1].
      eexists. apply E_IfTrue; [ | eassumption ].
      × eapply noninterferent_bexp in Heq; [ | eassumption ]. congruence.
    + eapply ts_secret_run_terminating in H5. destruct H5 as [s1' H5].
      eapply ts_secret_run_terminating in H6. destruct H6 as [s2' H6].
      destruct (beval s2 b) eqn:Heq2; eexists; econstructor; eassumption.
  - rewrite join_public_l in ×. destruct l.
    + destruct (IHHeval H6 _ Heq) as [s2' IH1].
      eexists. apply E_IfFalse; [ | eassumption ].
      × eapply noninterferent_bexp in Heq; [ | eassumption ]. congruence.
    + eapply ts_secret_run_terminating in H5. destruct H5 as [s1' H5].
      eapply ts_secret_run_terminating in H6. destruct H6 as [s2' H6].
      destruct (beval s2 b) eqn:Heq2; eexists; econstructor; eassumption.
  - eapply noninterferent_bexp in Heq; [ | eassumption ].
    eexists. apply E_WhileFalse. congruence.
  - destruct (IHHeval1 H3 _ Heq) as [s2' IH1].
    assert (Heq' : pub_equiv P st' s2').
    { eapply ts_well_typed_noninterferent;
        [ | eassumption | eassumption | eassumption]. assumption. }
    destruct (IHHeval2 Hwt _ Heq') as [s2'' IH2].
    eapply noninterferent_bexp in Heq; [ | eassumption ].
    eexists. eapply E_WhileTrue; try congruence; eassumption.

Corollary ts_well_typed_tsni : P c,
  P;; public ts- c
  tsni P c.
  intros P c Hwt s1 s2 s1' Heval1 Heq.
  destruct (ts_well_typed_equitermination Hwt Heval1 Heq) as [s2' Heval2].
   s2'. split; [assumption| ].
  eapply ts_well_typed_noninterferent; eassumption.

Program counter security

Especially for cryptographic code one is also worried about side-channel attacks, in which secrets are for instance leaked via the execution time of the program. For instance, most processors have instruction caches, which make executing cached instructions faster than non-cached ones.
To prevent such attacks, cryptographic code is normally written without branching on any secrets. To formalize this we introduce a new security notion called program counter security, which considers the program's branching visible to the attacker. More precisely, we instrument the operational semantics of Imp to also record the control-flow decisions of the program.
Definition branches := list bool.

Instrumented semantics with branches


st =[ skip ]=> st, []
aeval st a = n (E_Asgn)  

st =[ x := a ]=> (x !-> n ; st), []
st =[ c1 ]=> st', bs1   st' =[ c2 ]=> st'', bs2 (E_Seq)  

st =[ c1;c2 ]=> st'', (bs1++bs2)
beval st b = true     st =[ c1 ]=> st', bs1 (E_IfTrue)  

st =[ if b then c1 else c2 end ]=> st', true::bs1
beval st b = false    st =[ c2 ]=> st', bs2 (E_IfFalse)  

st =[ if b then c1 else c2 end ]=> st', false::bs2
st =[ if b then c; while b do c end else skip end ]=> st, os (E_While)  

st =[ while b do c end ]=> st, os
Reserved Notation
         "st '=[' c ']=>' st' , bs"
         (at level 40, c custom com at level 99,
          st constr, st' constr at next level).

Inductive pceval : com state state branches Prop :=
  | E_Skip : st,
      st =[ skip ]=> st, []
  | E_Asgn : st a n x,
      aeval st a = n
      st =[ x := a ]=> (x !-> n ; st), []
  | E_Seq : c1 c2 st st' st'' bs1 bs2,
      st =[ c1 ]=> st', bs1
      st' =[ c2 ]=> st'', bs2
      st =[ c1 ; c2 ]=> st'', (bs1++bs2)
  | E_IfTrue : st st' b c1 c2 bs1,
      beval st b = true
      st =[ c1 ]=> st', bs1
      st =[ if b then c1 else c2 end]=> st', (true::bs1)
  | E_IfFalse : st st' b c1 c2 bs1,
      beval st b = false
      st =[ c2 ]=> st', bs1
      st =[ if b then c1 else c2 end]=> st', (false::bs1)
  | E_While : b st os c, (* <- Nice trick; from small-step semantics *)
      st =[ if b then c; while b do c end else skip end ]=> st, os
      st =[ while b do c end ]=> st, os

  where "st =[ c ]=> st' , bs" := (pceval c st st' bs).

Lemma pceval_ceval : c st st' bs,
  st =[ c ]=> st', bs
  st =[ c ]=> st'.
  intros c st st' bs H. induction H; try (econstructor; eassumption).
  - (* need to justify the while trick *)
    inversion IHpceval.
    + inversion H6. subst. eapply E_WhileTrue; eauto.
    + eapply E_WhileFalse; eauto.

Program counter security definition

Using the instrumented semantics we define program counter security:
Definition pc_secure P c := s1 s2 s1' s2' bs1 bs2,
  pub_equiv P s1 s2
  s1 =[ c ]=> s1', bs1
  s2 =[ c ]=> s2', bs2
  bs1 = bs2.
Program counter security is mostly orthogonal to noninterference and instead of relating the final states it requires the branches of the program to be independent of secrets.
Our restrictive pc_well_typed relation enforces both noninterference (as we already proved above) and program counter security:
Theorem pc_well_typed_pc_secure : P c,
  P pc- c
  pc_secure P c.
  intros P c Hwt s1 s2 s1' s2' bs1 bs2 Heq Heval1 Heval2.
  generalize dependent s2'. generalize dependent s2.
  generalize dependent bs2.
  induction Heval1; intros bs2' s2 Heq s2' Heval2;
    inversion Heval2; inversion Hwt; subst.
  - reflexivity.
  - reflexivity.
  - erewrite IHHeval1_2; [erewrite IHHeval1_1 | | |];
      try reflexivity; try eassumption.
    (* the proof does rely on noninterference for the sequencing case *)
    eapply pc_well_typed_noninterferent;
      [ | eassumption | eapply pceval_ceval; eassumption
                      | eapply pceval_ceval; eassumption ]; eassumption.
  - f_equal. eapply IHHeval1; try eassumption.
  - rewrite (noninterferent_bexp Heq H11) in H.
    rewrite H in H6. discriminate H6.
  - rewrite (noninterferent_bexp Heq H11) in H.
    rewrite H in H6. discriminate H6.
  - f_equal. eapply IHHeval1; eassumption.
  - eapply IHHeval1; try eassumption. repeat constructor; eassumption.
The proof does rely on pc_well_typed implying noninterference for the sequencing and loop cases.
(* 2024-07-26 15:22 *)