NoninterferenceDefining Secrecy and Secure Multi-Execution

Information flow control tries to prevent the leak of secret information to public outputs.
But how does one formalize that a program doesn't leak secret information?
We first investigate this question in the very simple setting of Coq functions taking two arguments, one we call the public input and the other one we call the secret input. Our functions return a pair containing one public output and one secret output.
Say we have the following function working on natural numbers:
Definition secure_f (pi si : nat) : nat×nat := (pi+1, pi+si×2).
This function seems intuitively secure, since the first output pi+1, which we assume to be public, only depends on the public input pi, but not on the secret input si. The second output pi+si*2 depends on both the public input and the secret input, but that's okay, since we assume this second output to be secret. Still, what security notion does this function satisfy? Let's try it on a couple of inputs:
Example example1_secure_f : secure_f 0 0 = (1,0).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Example example2_secure_f : secure_f 0 1 = (1,2).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Example example3_secure_f : secure_f 1 2 = (2,5).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
In the last two cases the value of the public output is equal to the value of secret input. But that's just a coincidence, and has nothing to do with the public output leaking the secret input, which wasn't used in computing the public output.
So a naive security definition, which we'll only use as a strawman, is one that simply compares secret inputs with public outputs:
Definition broken_def (f : nat nat nat×nat) :=
   pi si, fst (f pi si) si.
This definition would reject our secure function above as insecure:
Lemma broken_def_rejects_secure_f : ¬broken_def secure_f.
  unfold broken_def. intros contra.
  apply (contra 0 1). reflexivity.
Even worse, this broken definition of security would allow insecure functions, such as the following one whose public output is si+1:
Definition insecure_f (pi si : nat) : nat×nat := (si+1, pi+si×2).
This function's public output is never equal to its secret input, yet an attacker can easily compute one from the other by just subtracting 1. So the secret is entirely leaked, yet our broken definition accepts this:
Lemma broken_def_accepts_insecure_f : broken_def insecure_f.
  unfold broken_def. intros pi si. induction si as [| si' IH].
  - simpl. intros contra. discriminate contra.
  - simpl in ×. intro Hc. injection Hc as Hc. apply IH. apply Hc.
This attempt at defining secure information flow by looking at how inputs and outputs are related for a single execution of the program has failed. In fact, it is well known in the formal security research community that secure information flow cannot be defined by looking at just one single program execution.

Noninterference for pure functions

The usual way to define secure information flow is a property called noninterference, which in its most standard form looks at two program executions: for two different secret inputs the public outputs should not change:
Definition noninterferent {PI SI PO SO : Type} (f : PI SI PO×SO) :=
   (pi:PI) (si1 si2:SI), fst (f pi si1) = fst (f pi si2).
We defined this for arbitrary types of inputs and outputs, but we can still instantiate them to nat when looking at our example functions above:
Lemma noninterferent_secure_f : noninterferent secure_f.
  unfold noninterferent, secure_f. simpl. reflexivity.

Lemma interferent_insecure_f : ¬noninterferent insecure_f.
  unfold noninterferent, insecure_f. simpl. intros contra.
  specialize (contra 0 0 1). discriminate contra.
The tactic specialize we used above instantiates a quantified hypothesis to the concrete arguments we specify.
In the definition of noninterference we pass the same public inputs to the two executions, since this allows public outputs to depend on public inputs. To convince ourselves of this, let's look at the following too strong definition of security:
Definition too_strong_def {PI SI PO SO : Type} (f : PI SI PO×SO) :=
   (pi1 pi2:PI) (si1 si2:SI), fst (f pi1 si1) = fst (f pi2 si2).
This basically says that the first output of f has to be constant, which is not the case for our secure_f.
Lemma secure_f_rejected_again : ¬too_strong_def secure_f.
  unfold too_strong_def, secure_f. simpl. intros contra.
  specialize (contra 0 1 0 0). discriminate contra.
Noninterference is still a very strong property. In particular, f being noninterferent is equivalent to f being splittable into two different functions, one of which doesn't get the secret at all.
Definition splittable {PI SI PO SO : Type} (f : PI SI PO×SO) :=
   (pf : PI PO) (sf:PI SI SO),
     pi si , f pi si = (pf pi, sf pi si).

Theorem splittable_noninterferent : PI SI PO SO : Type,
   f : PI SI PO×SO, splittable f noninterferent f.
  unfold splittable, noninterferent.
  intros PI SI PO SO f [pf [sf H]] pi si1 si2.
  rewrite H. rewrite H. simpl.

Theorem noninterferent_splittable : PI SI PO SO : Type,
   some_si : SI, (* we require SI to be an inhabited type! *)
   f : PI SI PO×SO, noninterferent f splittable f.
  unfold splittable, noninterferent.
  intros PI SI PO SO some_si f Hni.
  (* we pass the SI inhabitant as a dummy secret value! *)
   (fun pifst (f pi some_si)).
   (fun pi sisnd (f pi si)).
  intros pi si. rewrite (Hni _ _ si).
  destruct (f pi si) as [po so]. reflexivity.

Secure Multi-Execution (SME)

The previous proof also captures the key idea behind Secure Multi-Execution (SME), an enforcement mechanism that can make any function noninterferent. To achieve this SME runs the function twice, once passing a dummy secret as input to obtain the public output, and once using the real secrets to obtain the secret output.
Definition sme {PI SI PO SO : Type} (some_si : SI)
  (f : PI SI PO×SO) pi si :=
    (fst (f pi some_si), snd (f pi si)).
Functions protected by sme are guaranteed to satisfy noninterference:
Theorem noninterferent_sme : PI SI PO SO : Type,
   some_si : SI,
   f : PI SI PO×SO,
    noninterferent (sme some_si f).
  intros PI SI PO SO some_si f pi si1 si2. simpl. reflexivity.
Moreover, if the function we pass to sme is already noninterferent, then its behavior will not change; so we say that sme is a transparent enforcement mechanism for noninterference:
Theorem transparent_sme : PI SI PO SO : Type,
   some_si : SI,
   f : PI SI PO×SO,
    noninterferent f pi si, f pi si = sme some_si f pi si.
  unfold noninterferent, sme. intros PI SI PO SP some_si f Hni pi si.
  rewrite (Hni _ _ si).
  destruct (f pi si) as [po so]. reflexivity.
It is interesting to look at what sme does for interferent functions, like insecure_f, whose public output was one plus its secret input:
Example example1_sme_insecure_f: sme 0 insecure_f 0 0 = (1, 0).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Example example2_sme_insecure_f: sme 0 insecure_f 0 1 = (1, 2).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Example example3_sme_insecure_f: sme 0 insecure_f 1 1 = (1, 3).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Now the public output is one plus the dummy constant 0 we passed to the sme function, so always the constant 1.
Lemma constant_sme_insecure_f: pi si,
  fst (sme 0 insecure_f pi si) = 1.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
This is a secure behavior, but a behavior that's different than that of the original insecure_f function. So we are giving up some correctness for security. There is no free lunch!
The other downside of sme is that we have to run the function twice for our two security levels, public and secret. In general, we need to run the program as many times as we have security levels, which is often an exponential number, say if we take our security levels to be sets of principals.
Other information flow control mechanisms overcome this downside, but have other downsides of their own, for instance:
  • by requiring complex manual proofs for each individual program (e.g. Relational Hoare Logic), or
  • by using static overapproximations that reject some secure programs (security type systems), or
  • by using dynamic overapproximations that unnecessarily change program behavior, for instance forcefully terminating even some secure programs to prevent leaks, in which case they are not transparent (dynamic information flow control).
Again, there is no free lunch!

Noninterference for state transformers

This development is easy to adapt to functions that transform states (statestate), where we label each variable as either public or secret.
From Coq Require Import Bool.Bool.
From Coq Require Import Init.Nat.
From Coq Require Import Arith.Arith.
From Coq Require Import Arith.EqNat. Import Nat.
From SECF Require Import Maps.
From SECF Require Import Imp.

Print state. (* state = total_map nat = string -> nat *)

Definition pub_map := total_map bool.

Definition pub_equiv (pub : pub_map) (s1 s2 : state) :=
   x:string, pub x = true s1 x = s2 x.

Definition noninterferent_state (pub : pub_map) (f : state state) :=
   s1 s2, pub_equiv pub s1 s2 pub_equiv pub (f s1) (f s2).
We can prove an equivalence between noninterferent_state and our original noninterferent definition. For this we need to split and merge states, and a few helper lemmas.
The way we define split_state and merge_state is a good example of programming with higher-order functions, and there's more of this in Maps.
The split_state function takes a state s and zeroes out the variables x for which pub x is different than an argument bit b. So split_state s pub true keeps the public variables, and zeroes out the secret ones. Dually, split_state s pub false keeps the secret variables, and zeroes out the public ones.
Definition split_state (s:state) (pub:pub_map) (b:bool) : state :=
  fun x : stringif Bool.eqb (pub x) b then s x else 0.
The merge_state function takes in two states s1 and s2 and produces a new state that contains the public variables from s1 and the private variables from s2.
Definition merge_states (s1 s2:state) (pub:pub_map) : state :=
  fun x : stringif pub x then s1 x else s2 x.
The technical development needed for the equivalence proof between noninterferent_state and our original noninterferent definition is not that interesting though, and can be skipped on first read.
Definition split_state_fun (pub : pub_map) (mf : state state) :=
  fun s1 s2 : statelet ms := mf (merge_states s1 s2 pub) in
                       (split_state ms pub true, split_state ms pub false).

Definition pub_equiv_split (pub : pub_map) (s1 s2 : state) :=
   x:string, (split_state s1 pub true) x = (split_state s2 pub true) x.

Theorem pub_equiv_split_iff : pub s1 s2,
  pub_equiv pub s1 s2 pub_equiv_split pub s1 s2.
  unfold pub_equiv, pub_equiv_split, split_state. intros. split.
  - intros H x. destruct (Bool.eqb_spec (pub x) true).
    + apply H. apply e.
    + reflexivity.
  - intros H x. specialize (H x). destruct (Bool.eqb_spec (pub x) true).
    + intros _. apply H.
    + contradiction.

Theorem pub_equiv_merge_states : pub s z1 z2,
  pub_equiv pub (merge_states s z1 pub) (merge_states s z2 pub).
  unfold pub_equiv, merge_states. intros pub s z1 z2 x Hx.
  rewrite Hx. reflexivity.

Require Import FunctionalExtensionality.

Theorem merge_states_split_state : s pub,
  merge_states (split_state s pub true) (split_state s pub false) pub = s.
  unfold merge_states, split_state. intros s pub.
  apply functional_extensionality. intro x.
  destruct (pub x) eqn:Heq; reflexivity.
Now we can finally state our theorem about the equivalence between non_interferent_state and noninterferent:
Theorem noninterferent_state_ni : pub f,
  noninterferent_state pub f
  noninterferent (split_state_fun pub f).
  unfold noninterferent_state, noninterferent, split_state_fun.
  intros pub f. split.
  - intros H s z1 z2. simpl.
    assert (H' : pub_equiv pub (merge_states s z1 pub) (merge_states s z2 pub)).
      { apply pub_equiv_merge_states. }
    apply H in H'. rewrite pub_equiv_split_iff in H'.
    unfold pub_equiv_split in H'. apply functional_extensionality. apply H'.
  - intros H s1 s2 Hequiv. simpl in H.
    rewrite pub_equiv_split_iff in Hequiv. unfold pub_equiv_split in Hequiv.
    rewrite pub_equiv_split_iff. unfold pub_equiv_split. intro x.
    specialize (H (split_state s1 pub true)
                  (split_state s1 pub false)
                  (split_state s2 pub false)).
    rewrite merge_states_split_state in H.
    apply functional_extensionality in Hequiv. rewrite Hequiv in H.
    rewrite merge_states_split_state in H.
    rewrite H. reflexivity.

SME for state transformers

Definition sme_state (f : state state) (pub:pub_map) :=
  fun smerge_states (f (split_state s pub true)) (f s) pub.

Theorem noninterferent_sme_state : pub f,
  noninterferent_state pub (sme_state f pub).
  unfold noninterferent_state, sme_state. intros pub f s1 s2 Hequiv.
  rewrite pub_equiv_split_iff in Hequiv. unfold pub_equiv_split in Hequiv.
  apply functional_extensionality in Hequiv. rewrite Hequiv.
  apply pub_equiv_merge_states.

Theorem transparent_sme_state : f pub,
  noninterferent_state pub f s, f s = sme_state f pub s.
  unfold noninterferent_state, sme_state.
  intros f pub Hni s.
  unfold merge_states, split_state. unfold pub_equiv in Hni.
  apply functional_extensionality. intro x.
  destruct (pub x) eqn:Eq.
  - apply Hni. intros x' Hx'.
    destruct (Bool.eqb_spec (pub x') true).
    + reflexivity.
    + contradiction.
    + assumption.
  - reflexivity.
One thing to note in this proof is that we used the lemma Bool.eqb_spec to do case analysis on whether the pub x' is equal to true. For more details on how this works, please check out the explanations about the reflect inductive predicate in IndProp.

Noninterference and SME for Imp programs without loops

For programs without loops the "failed attempt" evaluation function from Imp works well and allows us to easily define a state transformer function for each command.
Print ceval_fun_no_while.

Definition noninterferent_no_while pub c : Prop :=
  noninterferent_state pub (fun sceval_fun_no_while s c).

Definition xpub : pub_map :=
  (X !-> true;
   _ !-> false).

Definition secure_com : com :=
  <{ X := X+1;
     Y := X+Y×2 }>.
For proving secure_com noninterferent we first prove a few helper lemmas.
Lemma xpub_true : x, xpub x = true x = X.
  unfold xpub. intros x Hx.
  destruct (eqb_spec x X).
  - subst. reflexivity.
  - rewrite t_update_neq in Hx.
    + rewrite t_apply_empty in Hx. discriminate.
    + intro contra. subst. contradiction.
Here we are using the t_update_neq and t_apply_empty lemmas that were proved in Maps
Lemma xpubX : xpub X = true.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Using these lemmas the noninterference proof for secure_com is easy:
Lemma noninterferent_secore_com :
  noninterferent_no_while xpub secure_com.
  unfold noninterferent_no_while, noninterferent_state,
         secure_com, pub_equiv.
  intros s1 s2 H x Hx. simpl. apply xpub_true in Hx.
  subst. rewrite (H X xpubX). reflexivity.
Now let's look at a couple of insecure commands:
Definition insecure_com1 : com :=
  <{ X := Y+1; (* <- bad explicit flow! *)
     Y := X+Y×2 }>.
An explicit flow is when a command directly assigns an expression depending on secret variables to a public variable, like the X := Y+1 assignment above. We can prove that this is insecure:
Lemma interferent_secore_com1 :
  ¬noninterferent_no_while xpub insecure_com1.
  unfold noninterferent_no_while, noninterferent_state,
         insecure_com1, pub_equiv.
  intro Hc. simpl in Hc.
  specialize (Hc (X !-> 0 ; Y !-> 0) (X !-> 0 ; Y !-> 1)).
  assert (H: x, xpub x = true
                       (X !-> 0; Y !-> 0) x = (X !-> 0; Y !-> 1) x).
  { clear Hc. intros x H. apply xpub_true in H. subst. reflexivity. }
  specialize (Hc H X xpubX). simpl in Hc.
  repeat try rewrite t_update_eq in Hc.
Noninterference can be violated not only by explicit flows, but also by implicit flows, which leak secret information via the control-flow of the program. Here is a simple example:
Definition insecure_com2 : com :=
  <{ if Y = 0 then
       Y := 42
       X := X+1 (* <- bad implicit flow! *)
     end }>.
Here the expression X+1 we are assigning to X is public information, but we are doing this assignment after we branched on a secret condition Y = 0, so we are indirectly leaking information about the value of Y. In this case we can infer that if X gets incremented the value of Y is not 0.
Lemma interferent_secore_com2 :
  ¬noninterferent_no_while xpub insecure_com2.
  (* same insecurity proof as for insecure_com1 does the job *)
  unfold noninterferent_no_while, noninterferent_state,
         insecure_com2, pub_equiv.
  intro Hc. simpl in Hc.
  specialize (Hc (X !-> 0 ; Y !-> 0) (X !-> 0 ; Y !-> 1)).
  assert (H: x, xpub x = true
                       (X !-> 0; Y !-> 0) x = (X !-> 0; Y !-> 1) x).
  { clear Hc. intros x H. apply xpub_true in H. subst. reflexivity. }
  specialize (Hc H X xpubX). simpl in Hc.
  repeat try rewrite t_update_eq in Hc.
We can use sme_state to execute such programs to obtain a noninterferent state transformer, by running them 2 times, once on a state without secrets and once on the original input state and then merging the final states.
Definition sme_cmd c :=
  sme_state (fun sceval_fun_no_while s c).

Definition sme_insecure_com1 := sme_cmd insecure_com1 xpub.

Definition sme_insecure_com2 := sme_cmd insecure_com2 xpub.
The result of applying sme_cmd to a program is no longer a program, but a state transformer. We can prove them noninterferent as state transformers using our noninterference theorem about sme_state.

Noninterference and SME for Imp programs with loops

In the presence of loops, we need to define noninterference using the evaluation relation (ceval) of Imp:
Definition noninterferent_while pub c := s1 s2 s1' s2',
  pub_equiv pub s1 s2
  s1 =[ c ]=> s1'
  s2 =[ c ]=> s2'
  pub_equiv pub s1' s2'.

Ltac invert H := inversion H; subst; clear H.

Lemma noninterferent_secore_com' :
  noninterferent_while xpub secure_com.
  unfold noninterferent_while, secure_com, pub_equiv.
  intros s1 s2 s1' s2' H H1 H2 x Hx.
  apply xpub_true in Hx. subst.
  (* the proof is the same, but with some extra ugly inverts *)
  invert H1. invert H4. invert H7.
  invert H2. invert H3. invert H6. simpl.
  rewrite (H X xpubX). reflexivity.
Now to define SME we also need to use a relation, of a similar type to ceval:
Check ceval : com state state Prop.

Definition sme_while (pub:pub_map) (c:com) (s s':state) : Prop :=
   ps ss, split_state s pub true =[ c ]=> ps
                                     s =[ c ]=> ss
                       merge_states ps ss pub = s'.
To state that sme_eval is secure, we need to generalize our noninterference definition, so that it works not only with ceval, but with any evaluation relation, including sme_while pub.
Definition noninterferent_while_R (R:comstatestateProp) pub c :=
   s1 s2 s1' s2',
  pub_equiv pub s1 s2
  R c s1 s1'
  R c s2 s2'
  pub_equiv pub s1' s2'.
The proof that while_sme is noninterferent is as before, but now it relies on the determinism of ceval, which was obvious for state transformer functions, but is not obvious for evaluation relations.
Check ceval_deterministic : (c : com) (st st1 st2 : state),
    st =[ c ]=> st1
    st =[ c ]=> st2
    st1 = st2.

Theorem noninterferent_while_sme : pub c,
  noninterferent_while_R (sme_while pub) pub c.
  unfold noninterferent_while_R, sme_while.
  intros pub c s1 s2 s1' s2' H [ps1 [ss1 [H1p [H1s H1m]]]]
[ps2 [ss2 [H2p [H2s H2m]]]].
  subst. rewrite pub_equiv_split_iff in H. unfold pub_equiv_split in H.
  apply functional_extensionality in H. rewrite H in H1p.
  rewrite (ceval_deterministic _ _ _ _ H1p H2p).
  apply pub_equiv_merge_states.
Turns out we can only prove a weak version of transparency, and this has to do with nontermination (more later). But first we need a few lemmas:
Lemma pub_equiv_split_state : (pub:pub_map) s,
  pub_equiv pub (split_state s pub true) s.
  unfold pub_equiv, split_state.
  intros pub s x Hx. destruct (Bool.eqb_spec (pub x) true).
  reflexivity. contradiction.

Lemma pub_equiv_sym : (pub:pub_map) s1 s2,
  pub_equiv pub s1 s2
  pub_equiv pub s2 s1.
  unfold pub_equiv. intros pub s1 s2 H x Hx.
  rewrite H. reflexivity. assumption.

Lemma merge_state_pub_equiv : pub ss ps,
  pub_equiv pub ss ps
  merge_states ps ss pub = ss.
  unfold pub_equiv, merge_states.
  intros pub ss ps H. apply functional_extensionality.
  intros x. destruct (pub x) eqn:Heq.
  - rewrite H. reflexivity. assumption.
  - reflexivity.
More specifically, we can only prove that sme_while execution implies ceval. But we cannot prove the reverse implication, since a command terminating when starting in state s, does not necessarily still terminates when starting in state split_state s pub true, as would be needed for proving sme_while.
Theorem somewhat_transparent_while_sme : pub c,
  noninterferent_while pub c
  ( s s', (sme_while pub) c s s' s =[ c ]=> s').
  unfold noninterferent_while, sme_while.
  intros pub c Hni s s' [ps [ss [Hp [Hs Hm]]]]. subst s'.
    assert(H:pub_equiv pub s (split_state s pub true)).
    { apply pub_equiv_sym. apply pub_equiv_split_state. }
    specialize (Hni s (split_state s pub true) ss ps H Hs Hp).
    apply merge_state_pub_equiv in Hni. rewrite Hni. apply Hs.
Still, it seems we can still do the same things as in the setting without while loops, including SME (just not fully transparent). So is there anything special about loops and nontermination?
Yes, there is! Let's look at our noninterference definition again:
Definition noninterferent_while pub c := s1 s2 s1' s2',
  pub_equiv pub s1 s2
  s1 =[ c ]=> s1'
  s2 =[ c ]=> s2'
  pub_equiv pub s1' s2'.
It says that for any two terminating executions, if the initial states agree on their public variables, then so do the final states. This is traditionally called termination-insensitive noninterference (TINI), since it doesn't consider nontermination to be observable to an attacker.
In particular, the following program is considered secure wrt TINI:
Definition termination_leak : com :=
  <{ if Y = 0 then
       Y := 42
       while true do skip end (* <- we leak the secret by looping *)
     end }>.
And we can prove it ...
Lemma Y_neq_X : (Y X).
Proof. intro contra. discriminate. Qed.

Definition tini_secure_termination_leak :
  noninterferent_while xpub termination_leak.
  unfold noninterferent_while, termination_leak, pub_equiv.
  intros s1 s2 s1' s2' H H1 H2 x Hx. apply xpub_true in Hx.
  subst. specialize (H X xpubX).
  invert H1.
  + invert H8. simpl.
    rewrite (t_update_neq _ _ _ _ _ Y_neq_X).
    invert H2.
    × invert H8. simpl.
      rewrite (t_update_neq _ _ _ _ _ Y_neq_X). assumption.
    × apply loop_never_stops in H8. contradiction.
  + apply loop_never_stops in H8. contradiction.

Termination-Sensitive Noninterference

We can give a stronger definition of security that prevents such nontermination leaks. It is traditionally called termination-sensitive noninterference (TSNI) and it is defined as follows:
Definition tsni_while_R (R:comstatestateProp) pub c :=
   s1 s2 s1',
  R c s1 s1'
  pub_equiv pub s1 s2
  ( s2', R c s2 s2' pub_equiv pub s1' s2').
We can prove that termination_leak doesn't satisfy TSNI:
Definition tsni_insecure_termination_leak :
  ¬tsni_while_R ceval xpub termination_leak.
  unfold tsni_while_R, termination_leak.
  intros Hc.
  specialize (Hc (X !-> 0 ; Y !-> 0) (X !-> 0 ; Y !-> 1)
                 (Y !-> 42; X !-> 0 ; Y !-> 0)).
  assert (HH : (X !-> 0; Y !-> 0) =[ termination_leak ]=>
               (Y !-> 42; X !-> 0; Y !-> 0)).
  { clear. unfold termination_leak. constructor.
    - reflexivity.
    - constructor. reflexivity. }
  specialize (Hc HH). clear HH.
  assert (H: x, xpub x = true
                       (X !-> 0; Y !-> 0) x = (X !-> 0; Y !-> 1) x).
  { clear Hc. intros x H. apply xpub_true in H. subst. reflexivity. }
  specialize (Hc H). clear H.
  destruct Hc as [s2' [Hc _]].
  invert Hc.
  - simpl in H4. discriminate.
  - apply loop_never_stops in H5. contradiction.
More generally, we can prove that TSNI is strictly stronger than TINI (noninterferent_while)
Lemma tsni_noninterferent : pub c,
  tsni_while_R ceval pub c
  noninterferent_while_R ceval pub c.
  unfold noninterferent_while_R, tsni_while_R.
  intros pub c Htsni s1 s2 s1' s2' Hequiv H1 H2.
  specialize (Htsni s1 s2 s1' H1 Hequiv).
  destruct Htsni as [s2'' [H2' Hequiv']].
  rewrite (ceval_deterministic _ _ _ _ H2 H2').
  apply Hequiv'.
The reverse direction of the implication only works for programs that always terminate (such as most of our simple examples above).
Lemma terminating_noninterferent_tsni: pub c,
  ( s, s', s =[ c ]=> s')
  noninterferent_while_R ceval pub c
  tsni_while_R ceval pub c.
  unfold noninterferent_while_R, tsni_while_R.
  intros pub c Hterminating Hni s1 s2 s1' H Eq.
  destruct (Hterminating s2) as [s2' H'].
   s2'; split.
  - assumption.
  - apply Hni with (s1 := s1) (s2 := s2).
    + assumption.
    + assumption.
    + assumption.
Now for a more interesting use of TSNI: it turns out that sme_while is transparent for programs satisfying TSNI.
Theorem tsni_transparent_while_sme : pub c,
  tsni_while_R ceval pub c
  ( s s', s =[ c ]=> s' (sme_while pub) c s s').
  unfold tsni_while_R, sme_while.
  intros pub c Hni s s'.
  assert(HH:pub_equiv pub s (split_state s pub true)).
    { apply pub_equiv_sym. apply pub_equiv_split_state. }
  - intros H. specialize (Hni s (split_state s pub true) s' H HH).
    destruct Hni as [s'' [Heval Hequiv]].
     s''. s'. split. assumption. split. assumption.
    apply merge_state_pub_equiv. assumption.
  - intros [ps [ss [Hp [Hs Hm]]]]. subst s'.
    specialize (Hni s (split_state s pub true) ss Hs HH).
    destruct Hni as [s' [Hp' Hni]].
    rewrite (ceval_deterministic _ _ _ _ Hp Hp').
    apply merge_state_pub_equiv in Hni. rewrite Hni. apply Hs.
Unfortunately sme_while does not imply TSNI, and this is hard to fix in our current setting, where programs only return a result in the end, a final state, so we had to merge the public and secret inputs into a single final state. Instead, SME is commonly defined in a setting with interactive IO, in which public outputs and secret outputs can be performed independently, during the execution. In that setting, it does transparently enforce TSNI.
(* 2024-07-26 15:09 *)